tamás Kollarik PhD
Renowned film professional and creator
Married and father of three.
Renowned film professional and creator, acknowledged with the Hungarian
Film Award and the Bánffy Miklós Prize. Engaged in various fields of
cultural, media, and film management. Lawyer, scholar, administrative
organizer. Associate professor at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and
Graduated from the Radnóti Miklós Practice High School of ELTE, obtained
degrees in history from the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE, and in law from
the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of ELTE. He completed his
studies at the College of Public Administration and received a doctoral,
PhD degree from the Doctoral School of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art
and Design.
Worked in several positions within state and public administration, also led
state and privately owned economic companies.
Former head of the National Audiovisual Archive (NAVA), founder and
former head of the “Bűvösvölgy” Media Literacy Center. From 2010 to
2019, he was a member of the Media Council of the NMHH, within which
he initiated and coordinated the Hungarian Media Patronage Program
supporting 1300 contemporary Hungarian audiovisual works, including the
Oscar-winning film “Sing”. From 2019 to 2020, he served as the operative
director of Television Patronage and deputy president of the Film
Collegium. Since 2020, he has been a member of the Television Decision
Committee of the National Film Institute. Member and later chairman of the
ART Committee since 2017. Since 2020, he has been a member of the
Film Professional Collegium of the National Cultural Fund. Member of the
Presidency of the Hungarian Film Academy and the General Assembly of
the Hungarian Academy of Arts. Awarded the Hungarian Film Award in
2019. In 2020, he was honored with the Bánffy Miklós Prize for his
outstanding achievements in the field of film and media administration.
Involved in the creation of numerous books, DVDs, documentary and
commercial films as a publisher, producer, ideator, screenwriter, editor,
author, and expert. Regular speaker at international and national
conferences and festivals. Author and editor of several film publications,
including textbooks that have become part of university curricula: “Survey
of Animation”, “Film and Paragraphs”, “Hungarian Animation Creators I.”,
“Hungarian Animation Creators II.”, “Hungarian Screenwriters I.”,
“Hungarian Producers I.”, “Film and Law in Practice”, “Film Festival
Overview”, “Art, Media, Marketing”. Instrumental in bringing back the
legendary textbook “The Art of Drama Writing” by Lajos Egri, as well as in
the idea and editing of Hungarian editions of the autobiographies of
Hollywood moguls Zukor Adolf and William Fox, and of Rózsa Miklós and
Imre Pressburger. Author of film professional and film historical publications
and articles. Co-author and editor of monographs on Gábor Csupó and
Jenő Janovics.
Teaching at universities for over a decade, including at Károli Gáspár
University, University of Theatre and Film Arts, University of Pécs, and
Metropolitan University, specializing in film law and film management.
Regular member of the jury at the Savaria International Film Festival, the
Magenta Telephone Film Festival, the Cultural Films Festival, and the Local
Television National Association’s Local Value Award. President of the jury
at the Trauner Sándor International Film Festival in 2020. Jury member at
the Gödöllő International Film Festival, the Lakitelek Film Festival, the
Kecskemét Animation Film Festival, and the CineFest Miskolc International
Film Festival in 2021. For a decade, he has been the patron of the
Hungarian Special Film Festival, and in 2022, he received the Hungarian
Special Filmmaking Award.